
Mindfully Yours

An organization dedicated to enhance awareness and access to Mental Health and Psychological Services for all. We provide competent, reliable and ethical mental health care and wellbeing solution in hybrid (Offline as well as Online) mode by professionally qualified and experienced psychology experts.

Our Main Services

  • GCP (Guidance, Counseling & Psychotherapy) Services
  • Wellness Programme For Educational Settings
  • Psychological Assessment
  • Mentorship/Internship Programme
  • Training, Workshop & Seminars
  • Research & Innovation


Glimpses of our service offerings

GCP (Guidance, Counseling & Psychotherapy) Services

  • Individual Therapay
  • Child and Adolescent Therapy
  • Couple & Marital Therapy
  • Therapy for Psychiatric Disorders such as Depression, Anxiety, Phobias, OCD, Sleep Problems, Adjustment Issues etc.
  • Book a Therapy Session

    Wellness Programme For Educational Settings

  • For Students, Teachers & Parents
  • Exam Anxiety, Learning Difficulties, Memory
  • Peer Pressure, Bullying Stage Fear, Social Anxiety
  • Emotional Regulation, Anger & Anxiety Management
  • Managing child and Adolescent Behaviours
  • Book a Training /Counseling Session

    Psychological Assessments

  • IQ Assessment
  • Cognitive Function Test
  • Diagnosis of Disorders such as Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia
  • Autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome & other Syndromes
  • Book an Assessment Session

    Mentorship/Internship Programmes

  • For Students and Psychology Proffessionals
  • CBT(Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) Techniques
  • Psychological Testing & Assessments
  • Case History Taking, Mental Status Examination, Clinical Interviewing Skills, Behavioural Observation Techniques
  • Book Mentorship/Internship Sessions

    Training, Workshops and Seminars

  • Government and Private Organisations
  • NGOs, Hospitals, Paeditric, Maternity and Infertility Clinics
  • Rehabilitation Centers, Neurological and Psychiatric Setups
  • Wellness, Yoga Centers and other Customisable Offerrings
  • Lets Connect for Workshop

    Research and Innovations

  • Collaboration with other institutions and Innovators
  • To work on research projects, test & tools development
  • Lets Collaborate

    Meet Our Chief Mentor

    Nidhi Singh

    Chief Mentor and Consultant Clinical Psychologist at PsyMentors

    About Nidhi Singh

    • Nidhi Singh is Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) registered Clinical Psychologist with 13+ years of experience in various areas of Clinical Psychology and Academics.
    • She has specialisation in Psychological assessment, CBT, BT and Indian Psychological Methods and is an international affiliate member of APA as well as Member of the Global Clinical Practice Network of World Health Organisation (WHO).
    • She is also a life member of IAAP, IAHP, NAoP, FCT and Indian Science Congress Association, and has received her academic and clinical trainings from BHU, IHBAS, DU and NIMHANS Bengaluru.


    GCP (Guidance, Counseling & Psychotherapy) Services

    • One to One Therapy Session for Individuals with Experts on Psychiatric Disorders such as Depression, Anxiety, Phobias, OCD, Sleep Problems, Adjustment Issues etc.

    • Dealing with Stressful Life Situations such as Major Life events ( Death, Break Up, Divorce, Separation, Marriage, rejection, betrayal etc.), Workplace Burnout and Toxic Environment, Developing insights for personal Growth and Fulfillment, Enhancing confidence for Social Interaction, Communication and improved life Skills

    Wellness Programmes For Educational Settings (Schools, Colleges & Coaching Centers)

    • For Students: Handling Bullying, Peer Pressure, Managing Interpersonal Relations, Emotional Regulation, Anger & Anxiety Management, Trolling, Rejection & Failure, Body Image Concerns & Body Shaming, Managing Low Self-Esteem and Low Self-Confidence

    • For Teachers: Teacher-Student Relationship, Managing Diversity and conflict in Classrooms, Delivering Sex Education and body awareness workshops, Motivation Enhancement and other customisable workshops and Training Programmes for stakeholders

    Psychological Assessments, Cognitive Function Test and Psychomatic Disorder Therapay

    • Early Detection and Intervention for Child's Neurodevelopmental issues, Assessment and Intervention for Psychological and Emotional issues, IQ Assessment

    • Cognitive Function Test: Test for intelligence, IQ, Attention, Concentration, Working Memory, Memory Span, Short Term & Long Term Memory, Test for Dementia, Task Switching, Problem Solving, Judgment, Decision Making etc.

    • Psychosomatic Disorders: Presence of Headache, Physical Pain, illness Anxiety and illness Behaviours or other physiological symptoms without any identifiable medical reasons or true evidence

    Mentorship & Training Programmes for Psychology students and young Professionals

    • Workshops, Training Programmes, Internship and Supervision Opportunities for Psychology Students & young Professionals like CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) Techniques Workshops and Training Programmes for Case History Taking, Mental Status Examination, Clinical Interviewing Skills and Behavioural Observation Techniques

    • Workshop & Psychological Services for Employees: Employee Wellness Programmes (EWP) and Employee Assistance Programmes (EAP)

    • Public Workshops & Seminars for Government and Private Organisations. Programmes for NGOs, Hospitals, Paediatric, Maternity and Infertility Clinics

    Have any queries? Lets Connect via Mails

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